Violent Video Games do not cause Gamers to be violent
The main point I am going to
make in this post, is that video games have no correlation to making people
more violent than they would be without video games. Video games are set in a
fantasy world, some may try to re-enact realism such as the 'Grand Theft Auto'
Series, but this does not mean that it will enable people to have violent out
bursts within our community. There have been many other traumatic events that
have occurred throughout history including the more recent World Wars that have
a multitude of violence and death involved and could not be pinned on video
games since they didn't exist then.
Violent video games should not be
a negative in the community, rather they should be seen as an outlet for people
to let out whatever they are feeling in a game instead of real life. This
should reduce violence and it does correlate to the crime rate over time has
been decreasing as the consumption of games increases. This unveils that more
people spend their time playing games in the safety of their home, rather than
exploring the world and committing crimes whilst doing it for reasons such as
simply boredom. The charts below show that there is somewhat of a correlation
between when the increase of video games and the decrease in crime rate is
which can be considered relevant to each other. This however, rather proves the
opposite of violence in games influencing people in a positive manner.
The logical reason for violence in video games is that it can be a
release from the real world and since it is a fictional world, you can do
anything without consequence so the violence is fine. The world is better off
with violence within video games as it does not result in negatively on people
rather gives them a way to release stress by relaxing and see what can
Rachel Barkley, 2014, 'Do Video Game Make Kids Saints or Psychopaths (and Why is it so Hard to Find Out?), viewed 4 April 2017, <>.
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